“I feel great! The sleep program has worked wonders and getting the exact dosages of medications and nutraceuticals is helping across the board. I am feeling sharp mentally and I have more than enough stamina to get through the day. I am the type of guy that will make it work no matter what, but now things are just easier.”
Your DNA is Your Key
Gene expression controls body chemistry. The upregulation and downregulation of your genes control the production of hormones, proteins, vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes. Inadequate nutrition, sleep, and medications; along with stress can improperly regulate your gene expression. This can negatively affect your energy, cognitive ability, body composition, immune system, and overall health.
A personalized health program based on your DNA can help regulate your gene expression. Ask your doctor how to unlock your code and discover 100% of you.
These genetic heat maps illustrate the rapid changes in gene expression and impaired leukocyte production after only eight weeks of US Army Ranger School. The unbalanced heat map shows how impaired or improper gene regulation can cause diminished performance across the board. Improper gene regulation can result in people feeling over-tired while experiencing decreased effectiveness in their nutrition and exercise plans. Unbalanced regulation can also have negative effects on both cognitive ability and stress response.
There are a large number of internal and external factors that can push gene regulation out of balance. Physical trauma, stress, diet, and even childbirth can impair gene regulation. For example, Calorie-cutting diets can cause gene regulation which results in the storage of excess body fat, increased catabolic reaction, and decreased metabolism; especially when there are vitamin and mineral deficiencies. An individual’s diet program may be sound, but ineffective if the body is improperly processing hormones, proteins, vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes. Proper regulation of genes improves metabolism by increasing anabolic reaction, improving the conversion of blood sugar to glycogen, and increasing lean muscle.
Gene regulation also affects cognitive function. Memory, focus, acuity, and tactical response are all negatively impacted by improper gene regulation. Even small imbalances can result in the experience of mental fatigue. Sharper focus, improved critical thinking, and strategic analysis are improved as the result of optimal gene regulation.
Improper gene regulation results in being sick more often, higher risks of infection, and higher rates of disease. For example, the impaired leukocyte production represented in the heat maps above resulted in study participants having a compromised immune system with reduced white blood cell count and weakened responses from other autoimmune defenses. Balanced body chemistry can reduce stress markers (like cortisol), return blood pressure to a healthy range, and improve pH levels to improve autoimmune response.
Integrated Genetic Solutions programs are designed to return hormones, pre-hormones, vitamins, minerals, proteins and electrolytes to an optimal level; in turn resulting in more favorable gene regulation and improved overall health.
Optimal body chemistry can deliver better aesthetics, more energy, mental acuity, and a more enjoyable life. With Integrated Genetic Solutions, your doctor can provide you with a comprehensive, individualized solution to optimize your mental and physical well-being.
Unlock Your Code
“Upon functional analysis, immune response was the most enriched biological process, and most of the transcripts associated with the immune response were downregulated. Microbial pattern recognition, chemotaxis, antigen presentation and T-cell activation were among the most downregulated immune processes. Transcription factors predicted to be stress-inhibited (IRF7, RELA, NFκB1, CREB1, IRF1 and HMGB) regulated genes involved in inflammation, maturation of dendritic cells and glucocorticoid receptor signaling.”
Reference: Transcriptome characterization of immune suppression from battlefield-like stress